If you don't get to actually see Lia on a regular basis, there really aren't any words to describe how cute she is. Sure, the pictures are adorable- but holding her and playing with her and watching her... its so different. She's gotten to be such a cute little person now, huggable. Before I was always afraid I'd hurt her or squash her by hugging her, but now I just wrap my arms around her little warm body and squeeze tight. When she's happy, she grins and sticks out her tongue. When she's happy, she'll hold onto her toes and rock back and forth. She's got the most kissable little tummy, arms and legs. She squeals and chatters all the time. She'll sing in her carseat when we're driving. She is so interested in everything lately, gazing out of the car window, beaming at random people in the grocery store, laughing her head off when Daddy flaps his arms like a bird. She's a little girl now... she cries when someone surprises her. She'll hear a loud noise and then her bottom lip will curl under into this absolutely sad expression and then she'll start howling. She's got a neck now too! She really is just the most kissable little baby ever. Right now she's lying on the ground next to me, blowing raspberries and bubbles. If you talk to her, she'll talk back. She's just the most wonderful baby in the whole wide world (yes she is!!! She's better than any baby!) and I love her more than anything. (this whole happy post might have to do with the fact that she only woke up once to eat last night... LOL)
excuse the drool :)
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