Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Long time coming post!!

You would think that with such a long absence in posts I would have a ton of stuff to say with a lot of pictures, but I've either been too lazy or too tired (is there a difference?) to be shooting a whole lot. :) But these are pictures from the 4th and then a couple from other days. :)

Other items of interest:

* Lia can crawl like a fiend, she gallops around the house

* Lia eats puffs (like cereal) very well, daintily picking them up between her pointer and thumb fingers.

* Lia likes to exercise her vocal cords and will spontaneously break into a scream, yell or squawk.

* We love our little Lia bug

Lia violently waved her flag the entire parade.

Chris took this picture one day, I think I'm asleep...

This was Lia this morning getting ready to go to swim class. It was cold outside so we dressed her up like a leopard. :)

I really like this shot. I shot it using an 85mm 1.4 lens which is pretty hard to focus accurately, but when you do, the pictures are just awesome. I love how soft and buttery the bokah is. And it doesn't hurt that Lia looks adorable. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Update on Chicklet

So our fantastic medical assistant at the Dr's office got us in for an ultrasound this afternoon (we literally got the call and went- we had about ten minutes to get to the office!) and we got to see Chicklet for the first time!! :)

She (I'm just referring to it as she because its easier. ;) ) is almost 9 weeks exactly, and her new debut date is set to be February 12th. I'm hoping we can push that to February 15th (so that Chris and I can go out for Valentines Dinner... yeah, I'm selfish...)

She was so cute, she had little teensy tiny feet, and she kicked and wriggled a little bit. Her heartbeat was great, and she just looked so adorable and sweet. Like a lovable little gummy bear. :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

I'm so disappointed, due to all of the wildfires, the fireworks in Scotts Valley are cancelled (which is totally understandable) but at the same time I can't help but be a little sad. I know that Lia would have loved to watch the fireworks...

Anyways, here she is all decked out in her 4th finery! I'll post more pictures later of other festivities.

Isn't it scary how big and grown up she's getting?

I just love the completely random expression on her face here. She's so funny.

She's so pretty!

I did this one in a vintage sort of action, so that's why it looks a little washed out. It was intentional. :)

I wasn't being too cruel. She decided she was done with the shoot and in typical dramatic Lia style, she flung herself on the carpet and proceeded to howl, burying her face in her chubby little arms. I took two pictures of her anguish, and promptly picked her up. But while this picture is 'sad', its also pretty funny... :)