Thursday, January 24, 2008

More pictures

With one of her favorite toys from Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mike :)

I had just given her a bath- and look, her hair is all curly!

Flirting last night with Auntie Kate

This is the way she always sleeps in her swing, with her hand up. Sometimes she has it cushioning her face though.

This is what she looks like right when she wakes up. Her face is still all relaxed and her lips are all pursed. :)

And this was her last night laughing for the first time!


Anonymous said...

She is so adorable when she is asleep... and when she is awake, of course! Wow, her hair is crazy curly. I wonder if it will stay that way when it gets longer?

Katheryn said...

I swear did you get so lucky to have such an insanely cute daughter? I mean, I knew you and Chris were going to have gorgeous kids, but STILL...she's even cuter than I could imagine (and that's saying a lot). If I ever happen upon a genie in a bottle, I will smash that bottle and ask for three little kiddies that look like Lia.