Saturday, January 26, 2008


I had gone to ToysRUs to get diapers. Lia was running low on them. I knew that the store would be full of brightly colored toys and things which every mothering magazine would tell me I would need, but I was bound and determined to stalk past them, grab the huge box of diapers and head straight for the checkout line. No unscheduled stops. No buying anything else.

I made it halfway. Lia and I got to the diapers section without me touching anything but as we walked back towards the front of the store I saw something I HAD to have. The Fisher Price Ocean Aquarium Soother. I had to have it. I stared at it. They had a little hole cut out in the package so that you could test it out. I pushed it and waited expectantly. I'm sure my face looked like a two year old's on Christmas morning. Soft music began to play, lights began to dance. I barely contained myself from hopping up and down and clapping. Lia HAD to have this wonderful thing! I wasn't sure what it was for, but if Fisher Price was selling it, well, it HAD to be something every mother should have. As I clutched it ecstatically I glanced at the price. $49.99 OUCH. Fifty dollars? Would Chris understand? Would he understand the overwhelming desire I had to give our daughter this bright and beautiful piece of plastic? I hesitated. I put it in front of Lia's sleepy face and pushed the button.

"Would you like this?" I pleaded with her. Her big eyes opened a little wider and then closed. She wasn't any help. I was going to have to tackle my guilt alone. I stood there for the next five minutes. I put it back on the shelf and started to walk away. Then my ass went backwards and I had to go along with it. I HAD to have it. I grabbed it off the shelf again, feeling like I was stealing and bolted for the checkout lines. When the check out lady said the total I ALMOST felt like telling her to put it back, but not quite.

"Did you know it needs 4 C batteries?" her voice scraped my nerves.

"How much are those?" I rasped.


Well, what's another twelve bucks... My conscience is a bad influence.

I walked out of the store, trying to think of a good way to justify my purchase to my hardworking husband. Chris would let me buy whatever I want, but he'd always ask if it was necessary or tell me that I had bought it on a whim (both questions which I always answer yes too...) but then once I bought it he wouldn't say anything else about it. He's a great sort of husband to have. He makes you feel the guilt but then its gone a little bit later. :)

I walked into the front door, heaving my huge bag behind me. I slowly pulled it out of the bag. The shiny Ocean Aquarium Soother looked a little bigger and more expensive than it had in the store.

"What's that?" Chris glanced up from the television.

"Its something for Lia." My opening statement. It WASN'T for me. Gawd no. I would never dream of buying something for myself. Everything was for our little girl who deserved nothing but the best.

"Oh?" His reply was noncommital. I wasn't sure what would come next.

"Yes." I pulled out the argument I had been perfecting the ten minute car ride home. "Its educational!"


"Oh. All right." Chris smiled at me. "Get her anything that's educational! We want her to be smart!"

I felt like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

But now, whenever I buy Lia another toy, another onesie, another pedicure (well, okay, that really was for me...) I just mutter, "Its educational".

1 comment:

Katheryn said...

oh my gosh. You had me in stiches! I can soooo relate. :) You have such a gift for writing...more please! :)