Friday, June 18, 2010

My pie!

Well, its actually a tart. I have never been that big of a baker, but a few days ago, after picking tons of strawberries with the kids at the Gizdich Farm in Watsonville I had to do SOMETHING with them! I opened my favorite cookbook, found the strawberries section and voila! Strawberry tart! This was also my first time making a pie crust from scratch as well as pastry cream. It turned out really well actually; the crust was light, and then you brush chocolate on the bottom to prevent the pastry cream from making the crust soggy. Add the cream, add the strawberries and glaze, and voila! :)

I normally don't post my food pictures, but I told Em I would.

Oh. And the little side story that made this pie eventful.

While cooking the pie crust you need to weight it down with beans or something along those lines to keep the bottom down I guess? Anyhow. I didn't have beans. I rummaged through my cabinets and found unpopped popcorn. Well, its about the same weight as beans thinks I. I wrapped it blissfully ignorant in foil, put it in the crust and shoved it in the 400 degree oven. A few minutes later I heard pops. Holy COW! Grabbed it out, and luckily there were only a few fluffy popcorn pieces... but yeah. Good thing I didn't walk away and leave it! :)

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