Friday, June 18, 2010

In the sandbox!

Yesterday I finally (its been about a year...) got around to cleaning out our little sandbox. Last year, or possibly even further back in time, we had gotten this sandbox for Lia and filled it with lots of sand. I then forgot to put the lid back on. Baaaaaaaaad idea. A couple of nights later and the box had so much cat poop in it that I didn't even want to look at it. I threw the lid on, and forgot about it. Yesterday I bravely held my breath, screamed as I heaved it upside down into the bushes and jumped up and down like a little girl as I squawked "EW! EW! EW!". Certainly not one of my finer moments. Anyhow, I liberally bleached it (thanks Grandma Lock for the instructions on how to!) and then bleached it again for good measure. I then poured in the extra sand and woila! The kids had a sandbox!

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