Anyhow, I'm such a good mom. I am packing on the pounds so that he'll come out looking all fat and pink. :) Well, maybe I'm being a bad mom because of that, but ah well. Its quite sad, my Dr has told me at my last two appointments to watch the weight gain. I'll whisper you the number if you promise not to scream.
I've gained 15 lbs in the last two months.
I figure at least TEN pounds of that has got to be baby, right? I mean, c'mon. But I'm just constantly hungry... its so depressing and awful. Chris was cheerfully telling me (and helpfully I'm sure he was intending) that pregnant women think that they are hungry, that their brains tell them they are always hungry because in caveman days, the pregnant women would just always be eating because they never knew when their next meal would come, or else they would work off whatever nuts and berries they just ate looking for more nuts and berries. I am not afflicted by either of these two scenarios. I know where my next meal is coming (about three hours after the last one...) and I don't think walking from the couch to the kitchen counts as 'foraging for nuts and berries'. Oh well. Anyhow, I took the glucose test today where you drink this awful sweet sweet drink and then go get pricked. I like soda as much as the next gal, but this stuff seriously makes me gag.

I mean seriously, does that not just LOOK vile? Ugh. And that's a big amount to drink on an empty stomach. I took the test with Lia and didn't pass, so I'm praying I pass this time. If I don't, I have to go take the 3 hour glucose test, where you get MORE of that nasty stuff and then get stuck once every hour for three hours. Nice.
Oh! Did you know I'm "officially" in my third trimester? Hooooly COW! And apparently Davy has eyelashes and eyebrows and hair! If he's anything like Lia, he's going to come out looking like he needs a hair cut. And apparently, he is also the weight of one of those big huuuge Chinese cabbagey things in the grocery store. I love it how sites compare babies to food... Maybe they know that's what expectant mothers will identify with? Another freaky thing- lately when I lay down on my side I can feel tiny feet beating a tattoo against whatever side I'm laying on. Its very odd. Sort of like, "Get off this side lady, you're cramping me!" And then tonight, as I was holding Lia on my lap (okay, so she was perched like a misplaced bird on the top of my huge tummy) her butt started rolling. Apparently Doodles didn't like her sitting on top of him so he was readjusting himself. Its quite interesting juggling two babies on your lap when one is inside and one is out. The whole rolling thing has always sort of freaked me out- my stomach literally does a wave like motion. (shudder) I know its a miracle of life and all, but come on. The kicks to the bladder, the knees going across my stomach... its getting both freaky and slightly painful. My happy thought is that soon he is going to get too big to move around a whole lot (I'm such a bad mom if that's my happy thought...) and then he'll just be stuck in there!
Anyhow, this turned into a rather long epistle... so I'll sign off now. But yeah. I'm excited about Doodles arrival. Well, actually I'm excited about a lot of stuff (sorry, another small tangent)- and its actually quite good that he's coming in February because I am just so busy until then. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentines Day, OHMYGOSH, BABY! :) Actually, baby will come before V-Day, but that's a technicality.
As another side note: Lia is doing very well. She's gotten to be a very fat, chunky little buggy. She runs, will walk holding your hand, talks in what appears to be Mandarin Chinese, eats lots of solid foods, loves her baby doll, claps, sings, can point out the balloon in her 'Goodnight Moon' book, says a couple words, and is just a really awesome little person. She's SUPER smart too. And opinionated. And gets very mad if you tell her no or take something away. Oh, and she's learned to scream in crowded stores. But that's a whole different story. One that I won't bore you with now. :)
You poor thing! That green stuff horrible to drink. It kind of looks like the drink from wicked.
The Lost Boy is named Tootles.
For more Peter Pan adventure that's VERY different from all the rest, click my name!
I had to drink that stuff too! Thankfully, I didn't gag and I didn't end up having gestational (sp?)diabetes.
I love the name David! and Davey/Doodles is cute too!
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