I'm 15 weeks along. In 25 weeks (I had to seriously just sit here and count on my fingers...) I will be having my belly cut open! (it sounds ever so much scarier when you put it that way... having a scheduled cesearean doesn't sound nearly as horrific). But yes, in five weeks, my friends, I will be halfway through! A sobering thought. But YES- I have only gained 1 pound (or was it more?) since this pregnancy began- or at least I think so... but now comes the fun part- in the second trimester my pregnancy book tells me you will gain on average, a pound a week. So bleh- there goes my stellar track record. With Lia, I gained weight left and right. I gained ten magnificent pounds in four weeks. I remember sobbing wildly that night, convinced I was going to eat myself and Lia into oblivion. I feel no such fear this time- I got the pregnancy weight off the first time, I can do it again! :)
Anyhow, this wasn't supposed to be about me and mah bellah! :) (that's my belly...)
Chris and I will have been married for FOUR YEARS tomorrow! Well, in an hour and fifty-one minutes if you want to be perfectly on time about it. Where has the time gone? Next year we'll be married for five! And next year we'll have a two year old and a one year old. That's even more ridiculous than having a nine month old and a fifteen-week old fetus!
I will write a better post tomorrow praising my fantastical and incredible husband, for right now I must heave my pregnant backside from this cushiony chair and trot upstairs to rest myself!
Ah, the memories! :)

1 comment:
Happy Anniversary!! I'll be praying for you two today. And Amanda, (ever since leaving the clutches of Seton Home Study I use "and" with relish at the beginning of sentences. No more huge red slashes! :)) you seriously have to be the funniest person I know. You have such a way with words! When I read your blog I seriously laugh out loud. Just wanted to thank you for brightening up my day...love you, and have a fantastic anniversary!
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