Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lia and Davy

I think that I didn't post because I am a chronic overshooter. I will take twenty of the exact same shot as some sort of insurance policy that at least one of them will come out. But then I dump my cards on my computer and am overwhelmed by how many there are so I just put them in a file and forget about t hem. I also realize that if I ever want to post, I can't edit every single shot I put up. All of these posts are straight out of camera so I didn't go into photoshop and edit at all. But I realized that years from now, I won't care if they are works of art pictures. I am just looking to remember moments with my kids. I also was always worried that I was posting too many pictures per post. I've decided to completely toss that out of the window and throw caution to the winds. If I feel like posting 200 pictures per post, then that I shall. If I feel like just one, then that I shall do. :-)

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