I'm not sure if I just wasn't as aware before, but it seems like lately, so so many children I know, or have heard of through various friends are sick with cancer. It is such a horrible, scary thing and I am in awe of the mothers and fathers who are dealing with a sick child. I wish that there was more that I could do. We are so lucky that aside from Alex, we've never had a very sick child. Alex was sick at the beginning, but she has recovered fully and is by far my fattest, most opinionated baby ever. She hasn't suffered at all from her rough start moving forward. But when I see kids who understand, who are four or five and having to go through chemo and everything- it makes my heart hurt.
I took the three kids to Gabriella's Snow Day. Gabriella is a little four year old who was diagnosed with cancer last year and who is currently undergoing treatment. She wished for snow for her birthday but with her chemo and everything, her family couldn't risk leaving town to bring her to snow. So through a bunch of amazing people, snow was brought to her. At Sky park in Scotts Valley they brought in snow. It was such an incredible thing; it was like a winter wonderland with Christmas Trees, free cookies and hot chocolate and snacks, Santa and other holiday stuff.
Gabriella with her Dad.
So grateful that my babies are healthy.
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