Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big Girl!

Lia is getting *so* grown up... I can't even picture how much crazier this is going to get as she grows older. I literally feel like she's running through milestones in front of my eyes.

She is potty trained. Just like that. With really no outside help or pushing. I tried to train her when she was probably eighteen months or something like that in a fit of desperation but it didn't take. About three weeks ago she asked to wear big girl panties, and since then, she's been wearing them every day. She hasn't had any major accidents (read: number 2 accidents) at all (amanda bangs frantically on some wood) and only a very very few potty accidents. I have decided that this is the way potty training should always be. :-) I am so proud of her, but it is sort of sad and weird to see her little behind not all poufy from a diaper and fitting into pants that were getting to tight when she still wore a diaper. She's getting so big. *sniff*sniff*

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