One of the mom's from mommy's group has a new baby, and we went over to take some pictures of him. Lia got to hold this brand new baby and she was in seventh heaven. Of course, she no longer likes our baby (David) since the shine has long worn off of him, but she LOVED this baby. I think her cute little face says it all.

She's trying to be so grown up, and not to be smug, and not to start yelling with the joy of holding the baby.
She's trying to be so grown up, and not to be smug, and not to start yelling with the joy of holding the baby.
They also had a baby swing, meant for SMALL babies, but David stood by it and lifted his leg (for a minute I thought he was peeing like a dog...) trying to get in. We put him in and Taylin (the baby's big sister) handed him a dog. He was in seventh heaven too.
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