Sunday, June 28, 2009

Race track!

Poor Chris was due at the racetrack on Friday night, but he stayed home with me to help me with the kids since Friday night I was still rolling around in pain from my teeth. God bless him. Anyhow, Saturday morning came around and I felt okay, so we packed up the kids and went to the racetrack. It was HOT. But I had fun. I'm still sort of surprised. I haven't gone to the track in so long because I always thought I didn't like it. Well, I'm NOT saying I loved it, but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought. In fact, if I hadn't had the two kids, I think I may have downright enjoyed it. :) Linda always makes the most incredible food and is super organized so everything is always running smoothly. :) And it was fun to see Chris in his natural element. He is so comfortable there, doing that, hanging with people. And he's pretty darn cute in his racing suit. :) Sadly, the car broke only a couple laps into the actual race, but I had a grand old time screaming my head off for the ten minutes that he actually got to race. :) I may just go to the track again soon...

Lia and Grandma walking the dolly

Stylin' Davy

This picture sort of disturbs me. It looks like Davy is missing half of his head on the right side. :)
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