Ah, the curses of being a second child... with Lia I documented her first eating experience very carefully and dilligently. Chris stood with the video camera, I held my camera and we both breathlessly waited as Lia took her first bites. Tonight I foraged in our canned goods until I came across some baby food that Lia had never eaten. Davy had been oogling my food now for a week or so so we thought maybe it was time. I figured he would be like Lia- take a taste, make a face and spit it out. No no no.
My sweet, chunky monkey took to it like a duck to water. He was positively LURCHING out of my arms in an effort to get his lips clamped around that spoon. He ate half the jar in a few minutes, leaving Chris and I (and Auntie Katzie who was over for dinner) astonished. He just loved it. So look out world, hide your canned goods because the Davy boy is starting to eat real people food!
My sweet, chunky monkey took to it like a duck to water. He was positively LURCHING out of my arms in an effort to get his lips clamped around that spoon. He ate half the jar in a few minutes, leaving Chris and I (and Auntie Katzie who was over for dinner) astonished. He just loved it. So look out world, hide your canned goods because the Davy boy is starting to eat real people food!
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