Monday, December 15, 2008

This may very well be the best picture I have ever taken of Lia.

Trying to electrocute herself by playing with Daddy's amp. (or whatever this thing is...)


Funny story: Chris saw Lia reading so he decided to come and sit down next to her and read Calvin and Hobbes. Lia saw him sit down and immediately hopped up and came over. She tried to read his book, and when Chris told her 'No touching, this is Daddy's book." She got a sly look on her face. She put her book down. Stood in front of him with her back to him. Backed up until her buns were directly over his book. Sat down. Wiggled her buns. Gave him a look. :) I think she assumes that her buns don't count as touching appendages. :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So super cute! Good eye and good catch with that picture!