Lia's newest thing is bundling as much as she can in her hands and trying to crawl around the house carrying everything...
"Huh... a DVD..."
"Huh... is this tasty?"
"Can it be used as a cell phone?"
"I've seen Mom do this before..."
Lia's just started to figure out how to do peek-a-boo and is already pretty good at it. :)
Here I am! :)
Amanda, I simply cannot stand how incredibly adorable, cute, and gorgeuos she is all at the same time. I can't WAIT to see your next baby! Although this is kinda bad, as you are raising the bar for what I consider to be cuteness in a baby...hmmm...
So is TO precious. I almost can't wait to see her next month--hum, maybe I should jump in the car now and come up!
She is going to be cute at Disneyland. You HAVE to get her some Mickey ears.
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