Saturday, June 28, 2008

Some news!

A few weeks ago, Kate came over and we had BBQ ribs. The next morning when I went into the kitchen to clean up, I nearly lost everything that had been in my stomach previously.

See where this is going?


Two under two...

We are so excited and thrilled, and tenatively, right now, the kids will be 14 months apart. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Amanda!! (And Chris & Lia!) Yes, ours will be 2 under 2 as well. :) They will be about 18 months apart. Thankfully, my sister just had a baby and so did one of my very good friends so Elijah has already been getting lots of practice being gentle with babies. How are you feeling?

Hummingbirder said...

Congratulations!!! I hope everything goes smoothly with the pregnancy. We'll be keeping you in prayer. Deanna

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!!

Katheryn said...

Yippeee!!! Congratulations!!! I am soooo excited and happy for you! Keep me posted!