Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bunch of randoms from iphone

Love the craziness here. The kids were just dressing up and this is what they came up with. :-)

My sweet Davy


Drinking one of Big Duck's famous smoothies!

After the day at the racetrack Davy fell asleep on the way to dinner clutching Daddy's trophy :-)

Birthday cake for the big five year old

One morning I went to use the bathroom and came back into the room to see this. Chris is such a good daddy. :-)

Evidenced even more by the following pictures. :-) 

Now this is a man who is VERY secure in his own masculinity.

After I went running I let Alex sit on the bench. She chose instead to climb like a monkey. :-)

St Nicholas' Day!

Better start them young!

This makes me laugh every time I see it. :-)

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