Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yes Dear, I'm on it....

The scene: Lia is on the pot and yelling through the house at Davy.

Lia: (with all the desperation of a mom whose baby is crying and she is pooing on the pot)

CHRIS!! You've got to go get the baby!! She's in the kitchen and she's *all alone*! And the big bad wolf (I'm assuming she meant me) is roaming the house!

David: (comes careening through the living room and into the kitchen, swoops down, grabs the baby in a football hold and races back to Lia, all the while yelling:)

Yes dear! I am ON IT! I've got her! I'm on it, Bia!

My point is thus: You can tell you have a good husband when your son (who is imitating said good husband) responds to every feminine whim/whine and wail with, "Yes dear, I'm on it."


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