Today has really reminded me of how much I completely appreciate both of them.
I called my mom at least twice today to ask her about Lia's teeth, her poop and what they were doing in the afternoon. :) She's always the first one I call in concerns to most baby stuff- I figure, she did such a fantastic job with me (cough cough) that she knows what she's up too. :) She called me back to tell me that she loved me. There really is nothing as comforting as hearing your mom's voice on the other line- seriously. Yeah, I've heard my mom get mad at me, or wake me up from sweet slumber as a kid, but now when I hear her voice, I welcome it wholeheartedly. All of the good memories come up whenever I talk to her. Do you ever remember being sick and having your mom not there for whatever reason? Like, they went to the store or something? And then you hear them come back in the house, and you just breathe a massive sigh of relief and everything's right in the world? Well, maybe this is a slight exaggeration, but most of the time that's the way I feel when my mom call's. WHEW. She's there still! :) She's the one I tell stuff, and ask advice on stuff that I would seriously take to the grave with me otherwise. :) She's the only one who knows how to eat popcorn properly. :) And knowing that Chris is out of town for four days, she invited me over for dinner tonight, but I already had dinner plans!
This evening, I was invited to dinner with Mom Lock, and it was just such FUN. Lia loves visiting, she has her Grandma, Grandpa and GG (great grandmother) all staring at her in a circle, clapping for her every move. :) I appreciated it so much when she called me yesterday night and said that she and Steve were on their way out to dinner and if I'd like to join them. That's what she's so incredible at, she never leaves anyone feeling left out. She always is thinking about everyone else and doing her darndest to make sure that they are having a great time, a good time, and feel included and loved. Its hard not to love visiting their house, or hanging out with her. But like my mom, she gives such well tempered advice. She knows how to put things candidly, in a way you might not have seen before. Just talking things over with her gives me the boost and confidence to try them, be it in parenting or otherwise. She is my partner in crime (along with GG!!) who I drag with me to Babies R Us, Sees Candy (shh!) or anywhere else that we've got a hankering to go.
I think as a mom now, I'm appreciating them more; both for their wisdom, but for their senses of humor (which they've maintained through 11 kids altogether!), their individuality (which can be TOUGH keeping if you're a stay at home mom!), and just who they are. I was reflecting on it today. I've been so blest in the mom department. My birth mother who made the sacrifice to give me up for adoption, I thank her every day for what she did. There's no way she could have imagined what an incredible family I'd get, or how incredible the woman she was giving me too would be. I can't picture making that sort of a sacrifice on blind faith, the strength and faith she has/had is beyond me. Then there's my mom. Geez. Words cannot describe what she means to me and how much I admire her and love her. You'd think I would have used up my good-mom-karma but then I get Mom Lock. She is every girl's dream mother-in-law. The kind that you smugly tell all of your girlfriends about. The kind you'd marry her son in order to snag. :)
I love my mom's. Each of them has shaped my life in such a profound way. I am so blest to have both of them in my life.
And while I'm on my rave about my mom's, there are my sister's and brother-in-laws who I could write a whole 'nother essay on. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow... :)
And I miss Chris. :(
He won't be home until Tuesday night. Waaa. :(
You don't really appreciate someone until you can't have 'em, huh? :)
edited to add: And they are both KICK-ASS Grandmother's!! Seriously! Lia loves both of them, loves visiting both houses, and I feel right as rain dropping her off with either of 'em whenever I have an inclination. And they both live 5 minutes away from me! Seriously, could I ask for a better Grandmother situation either? :)
1 comment:
Yes, I know I appreciated my mom much more after I became one. Your mom is awesome! She's given me great advise too. You're soooo blessed to have her and Chris' mom too :)
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