Thursday, September 25, 2008

Excuse the messy room, this was her indoors. I think its so funny how she's holding her stomach...

Yeah, so this was how she looked whenever I tried to put on that darned bonnet.

But look how cunning she is with it on!!
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Angry ladybug...

Lia's Halloween costume came, which I absolutely adore! Lia, however, was less than thrilled, especially about her anntenae bonnet. :) But seriously, isn't she the cutest, fattest, plushest little ladybug you ever saw?

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy Baby!

Yesterday I was sorting laundry and Lia was crawling around my feet. She crawled out of the room and a few minutes I heard her singing happily at the top of her lungs. I peeked my head around her door and saw this... She was doing what I was doing! But in a far less orderly fashion. :)

And seriously- think she has enough clothes? :)

I love the last picture, looks like she is examining labels. :)

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whole lotta teeth!

So last night Lia was having a hard time staying asleep and Chris and I were at our wit's end. This morning she had a runny nose and when we were visiting Grandma Lock, she asked (G.L, not Lia!) if it was possible Lia was teething since she seemed fine otherwise. We didn't put our fingers in her mouth (with the four teeth she has now she can do plenty of clamping damage!) but Chris noticed she was chewing on her fingers more than usual. Right before bed I mustered up enough courage to stick my fingers in her mouth and lo and behold! She's cutting what feels like 2-3 more teeth on her upper gums! Poor Lia. :(
I love her little stuck out tongue...

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Later on

Contemplative/Pointy Lia :)

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I love that the produce actually looks like something you'd pick off of a tree or a plant. Its not waxy, its not glossy when it shouldn't be. I love that you get to polish your own plum by rubbing it against your shirt or jeans. :)

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I've never liked dahlia's, but lately I will admit I'm starting too. They're always so perfect looking; almost fake. And the colors are incredible.

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Farmer's Market

I'm posting in Picasa which only lets me post four pictures at a time which is the reason for all of the posts. :)

Anyhow, after breakfast and Lia's nap, we decided to head to the Farmer's Market with Gigi and Grandma Lock. :)

L ia LOVES all of the fresh produce that is up for sampling. I really want to get a picture of her and Kate sometime at the Market (Kate and I go every Wednesday) because Kate always has at least two pieces of fruit in each hand giving Lia tastes. And both Kate and Lia always leave that Market sweetly sticky. :)

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Seriously. Is there anything better than homemade pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs? Oh, and a big glass of ice cold orange juice? I think not.

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Part of the day...

I snapped this picture last night after Lia had fallen asleep. Doesn't she look cute when she's sleeping? The weird red light is from her night-light. :)

This morning she was having a hard time waking up... but we had too! We were invited for breakfast at Grandma Lock's! YUM YUM! I don't know who was more excited (well, never mind- it was me) about breakfast.

Like I said, not entirely happy about waking up so early.

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Cute baby

She's got such an interesting little face. And her twoofers add character. :)

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