Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Harvester

Our little table next to the couches is Davy's favorite hang out spot. Over the screws on the underneath part of it there are these little covers (which, of course, are the perfect choking size). We didn't know they were under there until one evening, Chris and I were watching TV with Davy crawling on the floor and we noticed he was super quiet. And nowhere to be seen. I looked on the ground and his little face peered up at me. He had harvested almost all of the covers and was trying to eat them and put them on his fingers and toes. The covers are now long gone, but every evening at least once, Chris or I have to haul our little harvester from underneath his hiding place. The funny thing is, he ALWAYS gives me the exact same look whenever I peer under the table. Its a mix of, "Hi there." and "I know I'm not supposed to be under here."

He's such a funny little fellow.

All chunk and chubs. :)

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