My sister Kate and I have always been close- I think it happens when you are close in age to one of your siblings. We are fifteen months apart. Over the last three years though, we've grown close. She's one of the people who I lean on when I'm having a bad day. She helps me with the kids whenever I even hint at it. She goes with me to Lulu Carpenter's to get big pieces of chocolate ganache cake and then eat a whole piece by ourselves (which probably has a couple thousand calories in it...) She's the one who will boldly go up to anyone who I'm to scared to approach and ask a question. She's my partner in crime. She's my go-to-gal. She's the one who spends two hours at the Farmer's Market with me and the kids, just tasting samples and having a good time.
My heart has always been filled with love and admiration for my kid sister. Behind her cheerful exterior, there's an incredible firmness and resilience. An incredible devotion and truth. If I could be, deep down inside, half of the person that she is, deep down inside, I would be so proud of myself. Words can't even begin to come close to telling how much my little sister means to me. I would trudge my way through hell and highwater to rescue her. I would give up sugar for the rest of my life to take away her pain. She is by far the most caring person I have ever known. But I don't want the world to think that's all there is too her; that she is caring and loving. She is SO much more. She has a wicked sense of humor. She is full of incredible courage and bravery. She makes me laugh. She is so SMART. Smart in ways that I can't even begin to understand. She is the sort of person who after you meet, you think about. You want to know more about and you want them to love you because you know that once you are in her circle of friends and family, she will always take care of you. My sister Kate has taught me more about life than almost anyone I know. She has taught me that with the terrible pain, comes great love and friendship. She has taught me how to persevere and be strong. She has taught me patience. She has taught me that eating sugary things helps you stay healthy. :)
Kate will always be among the most special people I know and I am so proud to call her my friend and so blest to have her be my sister.
1 comment:
Marvelous post..... Amanda!
*sniff sniff*
Katie is so amazing...
I am SO blessed to know her!!!!
She is one of the most encouraging
people I have ever met.... kind
gracious, thoughtful, loving and caring!
I love you Kate! *hugs*
~ Jenny <3
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